Discovering a Five Star Daycare Service Provider

Five Star Daycare Service Provider

Discovering the ideal Five Star Daycare Service Provider in Louisville, Kentucky or Jeffersontown Ky to fit you needs is the topic of this article today. Finding a great childcare provider should not be an overwhelming job. I will do my best to make this job easier for you.

The internet is a fantastic resource, there are websites posted by daycare providers which will have information on their credentials and licensing, etc. Regional paper classifieds will have advertisements run by smaller household type child care suppliers, and your regional chapter of CCR&R (Child Care Resource and Referral or your state’s Divsion of Childcare) is a great place
to start. It is totally free and these organizations offer help finding daycare centers and even therapists you can speak with who will assist you in finding a childcare provider, based on your needs and zip code.

After you determine what kind of day care you need, be it in-home, drop-in, or full time childcare center like A to Z Learning Center and Childcare located at 6100 Billtown Rd, there are several guidelines to follow. At the minimum, I would make a checklist and it should consist of the following information. Additionly, I would really like to to get referrals from current and past customer (if possible). Lastly, I would check reviews on google and then
schedule a tour and to visit the center.

1. Does the service provider or center have adequate supervision?
2. Are the kids supervised even when they are sleeping?
3. How many caregivers are there at all times (Check with your state’s division of child care
agency in order to find the correct child to teacher ratio.)
4. What is the caregiver screening process? Do they get background checks, Criminal
abuse and neglect checks (usually called a CAN Check)?
5. Are the providers trained in first aid, CPR, and rescue breathing?
6. Look for the qualifications for the Director and staff. Is the director and teachers certified to run a daycare center with bachelor’s degree in the field of early childhood education or associated field?
7. Has the personnel worked in childcare for a minimum of one year (for instructors) or longer (2 years for directors)
8. There is usually a license to business granted by the state’s division of childcare. You should see it close to the are where you enter the facility. Maybe the lobby (ours is posted at the front desk near the entrance to our office)
9. Is the licensing current or “up-to-date”
10. Does the staff show a genuine love for children or is this simply “a job”?

When you are touring the childcare facility I would look for the following:

1. Are their separate restrooms for older kids and younger kids? Can they easily wash their hands, prior to meals and after toileting?
2. Are the diapering locations tidy and the diapers disposed of in a proper manner?
3. Are harmful materials (cleaning supplies, medicine for children, etc) located away and out of the reach of children?
4. There should be an emergency plan marked in a prominent location within the daycare. We have an evacuation and emergency plan displayed by the door in every classroom. We also have a binder with all children, their parents information and any other pertinent details that one might need and it is taken from the facility anytime we have a drill or in an emergency.
5. Does the childcare facility practice fire drills and disaster drills?
6. Is there a safe place near the daycare that everyone should meet in case there is a catastrophe or major disaster (such as an earthquake or tornado) in the area?
7. Are the playgrounds and play locations kept tidy and in good repair?
8. Is the area well kept? And is it organized in a thoughtful way? A to Z Learning Center and Childcare researched mulch for our playground extensively. It is made of rubber chips and is the safest, cleanest surface on the market.
9. Are the toys and playground equipment age-appropriate?
10. Make sure the daycare’s credentials and licensing is posted in a spot that is easily accessible.

This list might seem excessive at first, but as you can there is a lot to think about when choosing the right childcare center in Louisville for your child. A concerned parent does whatever is needed to make sure the safety and well being of their child is everyone’s highest priority. Please keep in mind that this is just a quick reference of what to look for when choosing the right daycare for your child. It is not meant to be the only criteria you use in order to choose a daycare facility. Please feel free to add or subtract any important aspect of what you think should go into a successful childcare experience for you and your family. We wanted to highlight some things to think about and get you to actively participate in the process. Discovering the ideal day care center to match you needs is not an insurmountable job. The internet and Google is also a fantastic resource to find a childcare facility near you in Jeffersontown Ky that is the best fit for you and your family. There are websites like or which will post listings of daycare providers. Childcare centers can pay in order to stand out and be “featured” on these sites or purchase ad content on google. Thankfully, A to Z Learning Center and Childcare hasn’t had to advertise like that since our first year of business. Be careful and read the listings and respective reviews thoroughly and don’t
be fooled by featured listings or daycares that have embellished reviews on Google. Our reviews are genuine. If you see a perfect “5 stars”, then that would seem to be another “warning sign” in my opinion. Those childcare providers with a large ad presence is another alarm that should make you ask tough questions to the daycare provider.

I hope this helps in your journey to Discovering a Five Star Daycare Service Provider in Louisville, KY. If you have any questions or would like to add anything to this article, feel free to contact me through this link. If you have any questions or would like to schedule an on-site visit, please email or call us at 502–267–8350. I look forward to meeting you and your family!

keywords : Five Star Daycare Service Provider

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