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that's the place for ME!


About Us

Today, it is common and necessary for both parents to work. Sometimes each parent may be required to work a different shift or work from home. In years past, parents could rely on relatives for help. Yet today, most family members are also working and/or unavailable. Also, families are living farther away from each other and cannot lend a helping hand. For whatever the reason, Louisville's A to Z Child Care and Preschool is here to help!

A to Z Child Care and Preschool exists because parents must work and we feel that we can compliment your efforts as a parent by giving the child structure, perspective, love and understanding. We have a strong desire to help children learn, grow spiritually and mentally; while teaching manners, and focusing on proper behavior. We want them to become great students, but most importantly, wonderful people!  We will make sure your child is ready for elementary school!

We empathize with families who don't have any options for child care. So when parents come to us, we sometimes sense their frustration. We do our best to relieve the stress and anxiety associated with the situation. We understand your situation, and feel we have the best solution.

We know parents love their precious children, but they need to find someone outside their family circle to help care for them while they focus on their own career and goals.

about usOur Louisville childcare company exists because of the need for a Pre-K and infant learning center outside of the home. Notice that word, "care". It is a word that includes love, gentleness, watchfulness, concern. Children need care. They need love. Children need gentle adults guiding and teaching them. They need watchful oversight. They need a childcare facility and its staff who are concerned for their safety, health, and development mentally and socially.

A to Z Child Care and Preschool exists to meet the needs parents have for their child. Our management and all employees work together to meet the needs parents have: loving and responsible care for their child while they work.

Our Precious "App"

It seems everyone these days has an "app" for this, and an app for that "that". Well, we do too! Our app will keep you connected to your child throughout the day sending you push notifications (if you don't want this feature, it can be disabled if you choose). We send pictures of your child which you can save to your computer or mobile device. An example of a status update would be: "AJ finished all his vegetables today for lunch, and slept for 1 and 1/2 hours during nap-time. Way to go AJ!" It is a very neat piece of technology and our families LOVE IT!

PreciouStatus is THE global standard creating peace of mind and parent/family-teacher engagement for infants to K-12 schools and healthcare providers. PreciouStatus has won 8 international/national awards for innovation and security and is deployed across the US as well as many international countries. One award, in particular, is the endorsement from the prestigious Minnesota School Board as a "Game Changer in Education," a 1st in their 93 year history.

Meet Our Director

Susan Quinlan is the director of A to Z Learning Center and Child Care. She will always go out of her way to help a child, give sound parenting advice, or meaningful comments in order to help a family and their children.
She is a retired principal who has been in education for over 20 years.
Susan spent 12 years as a teacher and 10 years as an administrator.
Some of the highlights of her long and illustrious career are earning a BA and 2 Masterʼs degrees while working and raising two children of her own.

Our directorʼs qualifications include:

Mrs. Quinlan has an extensive knowledge of children and the educational process. Her goal is to make every child a better person through love and an understanding of how children learn. She is dedicated, hard-working, and ready to assist your child to be the best that he or she can be. I have never met a more caring person and we are truly blessed that she answered our call to come out of retirement and help create the best possible environment for our children.

"To teach, is to touch a childʼs life. To touch a childʼs life in a positive way is the best feeling in the world! Children are my life!" --Susan Quinlan

The Environment

A to Z Learning Center strives to provide a clean, safe and educational environment for young children and their families. Within our Louisville child care facility, infants and Pre-K children develop skills that promote physical, emotional, social and intellectual growth. We believe in being supportive of our parents, and we welcome their positive involvement and presence at A to Z Learning Center and Child Care at all times. We further believe that within our environment, children can thrive and have the opportunity to blossom into responsible and contributing members of our society.

Our Staff

Our teachers have a wonderful understanding of child development and recommended practices. Most of our teachers have experience working with children ages 6 weeks to 12 years. Our teachers possess a basic love for children and a commitment to teaching. Educational degrees are desirable and experience shall be required for certain teaching position. A minimum of a High School diploma or a GED is needed. (A Commonwealth Child Care Credential or CDA may be preferred.) We require on-going training for our childcare staff through State classes, orientation videos, in-house training, and other certified professionals in the education field. All of our staff is trained in First Aid and CPR. The staff at our child care center will meet and exceed the state's requirements. The following is noted for your convenience.

State Mandates for Child Care Workers & Directors

Regular child care employees must meet the criteria for credentialing set forth in http://www.lrc.ky.gov/kar/922/002/250.htm and, in regard to employment, also meet the criteria set down in employment and also in Section 5 of http://www.lrc.ky.gov/kar/922/002/110.htm.

The Executive Director must meet the criteria for employment set forth in Section 4 of http://www.lrc.ky.gov/kar/922/002/110.htm, depending on the classification of the child care center.

A-Z Learning Center and Child Care's current Executive Director is responsible for all mandated activities and duties prescribed under 922 KAR 2:110, and to ensure all employees under supervision fulfill their requirements under 922 KAR 2:110 and 2:250.

A to Z Learning Center and Child Care will verify that all educational requirements, TB tests, criminal background clearances, references, and other representations at time of hire are true. Misrepresentations of any credential or material fact is not tolerated by A to Z Child Care and will lead to termination. We take this very seriously.

Employee Background & Criminal Records Checks

Prior to making an offer of employment, A-Z Learning Center & Child Care will conduct a job-related background check, per state and local regulations for child care providers.

A comprehensive background check may consist of prior employment verification, professional reference checks, education confirmation, and credit check.

When appropriate, a criminal record check is performed to protect A-Z Learning Center & Child Care's interest and that of its employees and clients.

At A to Z Child Care, we feel that teachers are role models and are looked up to by children. Thus it is imperative that teacher's model behavior that is appropriate at all times and build relationships that provide for the total care of the child and family in the following ways.

In relation to children: A teacher:

In relation to parents: A teacher:

In relation to other teachers/staff: A teacher

As teachers, we encompass the needs of the whole child. We realize children have rights as individuals and persons. Our task is to provide space and an environment for children to grow and learn within a nurturing relationship. We believe that children in our Louisville Pre-K program and infants in daycare need:

Love and Security - Teachers provide for this need in a variety of ways:

Healthy Self Concept - Teachers work to help children develop good feelings by

Care for Physical Needs - Teachers work to help each child feel safe and secure.

Learning by Experiencing - Teachers believe children learn by doing. TeachersUnderstand the importance of developmentally appropriate practices and recommended practices for each age child.

Offer a variety of group and individual experiences, gradually challenging the child's growth.

Keep learning experiences on the child's attention level.
Let children help plan and get ready for an activity.

Boundaries and Limits - Teachers believe children have freedom to learn and grow when offered an environment with clear and simple limits. Teachers provide limits by:

Valuing children with comments such as, "I won't let you pull Mary's hair. When you do, it hurts her and makes her cry."

Recognize and Acknowledge the Whole Person – Teachers believe that to meet the needs of the children, we must also meet our own personal needs. Teachers do this by:

Our Philosophy

A to Z Learning Center offers Louisville child care, with a staff that is dedicated and committed to our children by providing exceptional education and quality care. It is our philosophy to focus on the needs of the individual child by providing a stimulating atmosphere for learning along with a secure loving environment. It is our belief that a childcare facility should be an extension of each child's family. A to Z Learning Center teachers and parents are encouraged to work together to provide the love and support needed as your child reaches developmental milestones and his/her own personal achievements! We are passionate about education and providing our children with the tools to be successful in life.

Contact Us Today

A to Z Child Care and Preschool
Address: 6100 Billtown Road
Louisville, KY 40299
FAX: 866-402-1649
T: (502) 713-3373
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